Friday, August 27, 2010

Taking a Day Off

Well after a pretty busy week at work and the fact that I had an appointment this morning, I decided to take a much needed day off of work and get in some much needed saddle time and run a few errands. I did the Mira Mesa to Fairbanks Ranch out to RSF and back to the beach by the track and then over to Pepsi for a SAG stop and some Mexican BBQ that Pepsi was supplying for all the employees...yum-yum.
Then it was off to San Diego Bowling Supply to see what goodies Bill had for me to use as raffle gifts to help the XX1090 Scott & BR Cycling Team. Looks like we are at 2 balls and counting which is nice to get and also I talked with another friend who looks to donate $1K, but there is a catch, I have to bowl him heads up for 10 games first. Win or lose he will still put up the money for the cause, some bowlers are just AWESOME!!!
All in all it was about 67 miles as I road from 10:45 to about 3pm with a few quick stops along the way but a VERY productive day off and it looks like it might turn into a few thousand dollars for the team with little to no effort from me, just a few calls and hand shakes, oh and 10 games of bowling.
Should be a good weekend as I head out first thing in the morning for an easy 40 miles up and down the coast. Followed by 93 with the CAF/MDC group on Sunday, can't wait.

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